Collection: Basil Seeds

A staple of Italian cooking, the fresh leaves of Basil are a great addition to any kitchen windowsill or vegetable patch.

Whether you're an expert in the garden, or you're just starting out, growing basil seeds is a rewarding, and delicious, experience! Our basil seeds are perfect for a variety of culinary uses, from fresh salads to homemade pesto.

At the fresh taste of Basil into all of your home cooked meals and browse our wide range of seeds below.

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Choosing the Right Organic Basil Seeds

Growing basil seeds is pretty simple, as long as you choose the right seed for your garden - you'll have a bountiful harvest! In our range, we offer a selection of organic basic seeds, each with its own taste and use in cooking.

Sweet Basil

The most common variety, and a staple in Italian cooking, the leaves of sweet basic are perfect for salads, pesto and sauces. This variety is perfect for growing on the kitchen windowsill, or in the garden. As long as it gets plenty of sunlight and is kept moist, this variety will thrive!

Thai Basil

Thai basil offers a unique, spicy flavour that’s essential for many Asian dishes. It’s a great addition to drinks and exotic cooking. This variety also grows well in pots and can be sown indoors to be later transplanted outside.

Lemon Basil

For a citrusy twist, lemon basil is an excellent choice. Its refreshing flavour makes it ideal for salads and as a garnish for drinks and desserts. Lemon basil can be grown year round indoors or in a greenhouse to protect it from frost.

Genovese Basil

Known for its large, tender leaves, Genovese basil is another favourite for making traditional pesto and enhancing Italian dishes. It requires rich soil and benefits from a layer of mulch to retain moisture. Plant it in a sunny spot and enjoy multiple harvests throughout the growing season.

Holy Basil

Also known as Tulsi, holy basil is revered for its medicinal properties. It’s perfect for making herbal teas and adding a distinct flavour to dishes. This variety is more tolerant of different growing conditions but still thrives with regular watering and plenty of light.

Sowing & Germination

Simple but rewarding is the way we would describe growing basil, as long as you care for it you'll have an abundance of basil plants. To make sure your seeds have a successful germination, there are some steps to follow.

Preparing the Soil

Choose a high quality compost mix, it should be well drained and rich in organic matter as this supports a healthy root development. You can sow indoors first, so start this in small pots.

Sowing the Seeds

Sow the basil seeds thinly on the surface of the soil. It’s important to lightly cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil or vermiculite to protect them while allowing light to reach them, as basil seeds require light to germinate.

Ideal Conditions for Germination

Place the pots or seed trays in a warm, sunny spot such as a kitchen windowsill. Basil seeds need warmth to germinate, with an ideal temperature range of 21-24°C. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, as overly wet conditions can cause the seeds to rot.

Indoor and Outdoor Sowing

For an early start, sow seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the last expected frost. Once the seedlings are strong enough and all danger of frost has passed, they can be transplanted into the garden or larger pots. If sowing directly outdoors, wait until the soil has warmed up and the risk of frost is over.

Germination Time

Basil seeds typically germinate within 5-10 days under optimal conditions. Once the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves, they can be carefully thinned out or transplanted to provide enough space for growth.