Collection: Lettuce Seeds

The Vegetable Seed Company has a wide range of lettuce seeds that make the perfect addition to your vegetable plot.

From Butterhead lettuces, crisphead lettuces, red iceberg to autumn and winter density lettuce seeds varieties, we've got a variety of lettuce seeds - and if you choose the right ones, you can have fresh lettuce in your salad bowl all year round (and all different foliage colour too!)

For any gardener who only has a balcony or a patio, lettuce seeds can be sown in containers so are perfect for those small spaces.

Depending on the variety of lettuce seed you choose, planting months differ from winter, early spring and all the way to summer - you can grow lettuce all year round if you pick the right types.

You can trust that all of our seeds are high quality and will produce tasty green leaves that you can enjoy on salads, or in sandwiches.

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Selecting the Right Lettuce Seed for You

On our online store, we have a wide range of lettuce seeds, each with different benefits and planting dates. It's important to pick the seed that suits you, and your garden, the best.

Buttercrunch Lettuce

Lettuce Buttercrunch is a variety that produces soft, buttery leaves and has a mild flavour. This seed grows compact heads, so it is perfect for small gardens, or containers. This is best enjoyed in sandwiches or salads!

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg lettuce is a type we all know (and love!) and it's best known for its crisp, crunchy leaves. This plant is easy to store as on its growing site it forms tight, dense heads.

Little Gem Lettuce

Little Gem lettuce seeds save space in the garden due to their upright growth habit. This lettuce has robust, crunchy leaves with a slightly bitter taste. This variety is high in vitamins and minerals too.

Winter Density Lettuce Seeds

These types of lettuce are hardy and can survive harsh weather conditions and provides you with fresh greens straight from your vegetable plot all year round.

Planting & Sowing Top Tips

Firstly, choose a variety that is suitable for the time of year you want to plant it, there are summer varieties and hardy winter varieties that you can choose from. If you're looking for a variety of textures and flavours, plant a variety of seeds.

Ensure the soil you are going to plant the seeds in is well drained and really rich in organic matter, you can add compost if you want to improve the fertility of the soil. For optimal crop growth, aim for a pH of around 6.0 to 7.0

For a steady supply of lettuce, sow seeds from late spring to early summer. If sowing indoors, sowing can start in early spring. Sow seeds at a shallow depth, about 1/8 inch (3 mm) deep, and cover the rows lightly with soil.

Keep the soil consistently moist during germination, but avoid water logging. Thin seedlings to the recommended spacing once they are about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) tall to reduce competition.

If you planted indoors first, transplant these seedlings when they have around 4 to 6 true leaves and there is no more risk of frost.

Protect Lettuce Plants from Pests

When it comes to lettuce leaves, slug and snails are all over it - and slug damage is a really common problem that people face. To combat this, you can place copper tape around the edges of the raised bed and containers to deter these creatures. If you have time, check plants in the evening and remove any visible slugs.

Aphids are also a pest for lettuce growers. One way to get rid of them is to blast the plant with water to dislodge them, neem oil is a natural pesticide and can be used too.

General Pest Management

Keep plants healthy with proper watering, fertilising, and weeding to make them more resistant to pests and rotate crops annually to reduce the buildup of pests and diseases in the soil.

Remove plant debris and removing leaves and fallen leaves helps to eliminate hiding places for pests.